Stories Written by Women

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Once a hero killed the villain

The hero and heroine had a happily ever after

The villain was buried in deep guilt or was dying in a ditch

The heroine is now a happy wife to the Gallant knight and a wonderful mother to his kids

The birds keep on singing EVERYFUCKINGDAY

Flowers bloom every season

Everyone is just happy

Men write such simple stories.

But what about the stories written by women?

The stories that talk about the grey areas where good meets evil, morality meets immorality, and we are simply human.

I don’t want stories of Gods or their sons

I want to read the story of Medusa, written by a woman

I want to read a story about single parents by a women

I want to read a story about a woman who chooses her career over love or marriage, written by a woman

Or who chooses herself over her family.

I want to know sadness, happiness, eagerness, anxiety, dismissal, love, hatred, and much more.

I want these stories to be read, made into movies, and performed by theatre groups.

I want these stories to be lived and recommended more often

From the hundreds of people out there, one person would watch it and say, ‘Hey, that is so me.’ 

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Gayathri Mupparapu 

I love and rant unconditionally/a fool who writes and loves.


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