The Movies Lied to Me: Trashing Toxic Tropes
byayeshaa mohan
ayeshaa mohanAyeshaa is a 16-year-old first-time writer studying Humanities in New Delhi. In her own words, she feels like a blahcksheep because: "Throughout my life, I’ve been average at everything. An average student, an average sportsperson, and a definitely below-average speaker. I guess these are the categories based on which every child is judged in school, and I inevitably internalised this sense of average-ness. I felt scared to speak up because I thought of my opinions as synonymous to everyone else’s. ‘Average opinions’. It took me some time to realise that I do have a voice. And once I began to listen to myself, I began to speak up, and people started listening to me. I may not be a total blahckheep, but I definitely consider myself a shade of blahcksheep because although I’ve never really felt like an outcast, I’ve never felt like I belonged anywhere either.”